October 16, 2011

OhWoods do Aruba

It’s day 2 of our Aruba adventure. The weather is perfect, the condo is beautiful, the pools are awesome and the food and drinks are expensive!

We begin our adventure on Friday morning from the Atlanta airport. Jeff, in typical Jeff fashion, was going to put TSA to the test and see if he could sneak a plastic bottle of milk through security so he could drink it on the other side. A not-so-pleasant TSA agent spotted it, looked at Chris, and demanded to know who did it. Chris, with a roll of her eyes, looked toward Jeff, who gave Miss Friendly permission to throw it away. Always an adventure when you have Jeff with you.

Of course, our first stop in Aruba was the grocery store. The taxi driver was kind enough to make the stop for us on our way to the resort. Jeff’s job there was to sit in the van and guard our “stuff.” Kevin, Chris, and Lana hurried into the store where they quickly split up and went to get their assigned items. Obviously, Kevin was in charge of the beer. His goal was to find some good “local” beers. What he found was not much selection and little bottles. Good news was, there was also Miller Lite available, bad news was that our good old American beers are imports and $50 a case. Oh well, we are on vacation!

Kevin learned that Ling and Sons grocery store operates a little differently that our Fareway. A nice young man wheeled out our cart and loaded our groceries into the back of the car. When Kevin went to get into the car, he stuck out his hand and said “we work for tips here.” Kevin will make sure Jeff is the one standing there from now on.

We miss you Dave and Michele

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